Weekly Legislative Update 3.20.15
Less hectic! Those are the words that described this week in regards to Youth Service Bureaus.
I told you last week that Rep. Andy Fleischmann had requested information of CYSA about the overlap of the SBDI program with what services YSBs already provide. That information has been put together and sent it to him.
On Thursday, I learned that Judge Conway talked about the success of the SBDI program in the JJPOC meeting. Rep. Fleischmann has been made aware of this. I will also try to get to Rep. Walker to make sure she too understands that there is an overlap and that YSBs are already performing these very services. No need to recreate the wheel!
Appropriations sub-committees now have until April 10th to create their budgets and get them to the Chairs. They have all been told to come in at a specific figure. They can get to that figure anyway they so choose but the bottom line must be met. Of course, I will keep you up to date with any budgetary changes in the coming weeks.
Also on Thursday, the Education Committee met to vote on bills including SB 1058, AAC Chronic Absenteeism. The bill was placed on the Consent Calendar, receiving a Joint Favorable Substitute (JFS) (Erica has seen the language.) and was sent to the Senate for further action.
As always, please contact me at your convenience should you have any questions or concerns about these or any other Legislative matters. Also, please share this information with your members as you see fit.