Legislative Update - June 30, 2015
From: Jay Aronson
Date: June 30, 2015
Re: Legislative Update
This Week At The Capitol:
Well, that’s it! The Connecticut General Assembly has finally concluded its business and the 2015 Legislative session (and special session) are complete (for now)!
Both the House and Senate met on Monday and into the early morning of Tuesday to finish the budget process. While the budget passed back on June 3rd, there was no time left to vote on the budget implementers, the language that makes the budget work, thus the reason for a special session. Unlike past years, there was only one GIANT 700 page implementer. If anybody would like some light reading, I can point you in the right direction of a bill filled with both priorities and other not so important...”stuff”!
Most importantly, for Youth Service Bureaus it meant no further cuts to either line item in the budget. However, I need to clarify an issue that has cropped up since the bill passed. The budget included $95,000 for three projects in three different towns, having nothing to do with YSBs. Unfortunately, the money was placed in the YSB Enhancement line item. I argued against having the money put there but that’s where it was left. To be clear, there is no new YSB who will receive $95,000!!! Any new YSB will ONLY receive $14,000 in the budget plus a piece of the Enhancement Grant, just like any other new YSB. Please contact me if you have any further questions about this. I’m happy to chat about it!
This will be my last update until next year. It was a difficult session and budget year. However, working together we were able to stave off cuts that would have been devastating to Youth Service Bureaus. I look forward to working with you all again next session. Enjoy the summer!
As always, please contact me at your convenience should you have any questions or concerns about these or any other Legislative matters. Also, please share this information with your members as you see fit.